Calne Vehicle Management         |         Cambridge Land Rover
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01223 83 99 24
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Call us today for a quote:
01223 83 99 24


Looking for a new or used car?

Before you sign on the dotted line, ask us for a quote.

We have all the information on every model available. We take the best deals from dealers throughout the UK and bring them directly to you - saving you time and money.

If you are after a particular model, we will endeavour to source it for you. Please email outlining what you are after so that we can search for the vehicle on your behalf.

Calne Vehicle Management 2013
Unit 8 - Babraham Road - Sawston - Cambridge - CB22 3JH

01223 83 99 24
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Calne Vehicle Management
Cambridge Land Rover

CVM is proud to sponsor:

The Paint Trust

Shelfod Rubg Club - Sponsored by CVM
Over and In - Sponsored by CVM